My shoulder and arm are in the way when I lie on my side. “So are everyone else’s, especially expectant mothers. Sleeping on one’s side is undoubtedly the most comfortable position … but after a while, the weight of your body causes discomfort in your arm. And if your head is more than two inches higher than your body, your spine and neck will be out of alignment. OROMED Latex Mattress is designed with an incredibly delightful Pressure Relief Comfort Recess, which accommodates the shoulder and, with the ORO unique pillow, ensures that the sleeper is held in the most ergonomically pressure-free position with the spine and neck held in a natural straight line from head to hips, enabling her to maintain a natural posture whilst asleep and at the same time removing the weight of the body from the shoulder. It provides an invaluable aid to circulation and creates the opportunity for long, undisturbed health-giving sleep while eliminating stiff necks, tense shoulders, or aching backs.